from 1998



for non Italians to buy, restore, refinance, residential properties in Italy

Professione esercitata a norma della legge 14-01-2013-nr.4


Link exchange module - modulo per scambio links 

we accept banner or text  link exchange

si accetta lo scambio di banner  o  link di testo


We don't accept link exchange from website different by those where you place our's link , if you do not receive comunication about page where is placed the link back , this mean that your's link are not on line with form requirements and link are denied


 example - esempio 

your link at : https// .   

link reciprocating at : https//www.yourwebsite/yourlinkpage. 


websites that contain any adult, pornographic, illegal or offensive material ,virus , not are accepted

Siti contenenti materiali pornografici , illegali ed offensivi ,virus , non saranno accettati  


Our link:
Our Banner html-code

<A HREF=><IMG SRC="" ALT="" target="_blank" border="0" width="120" height="60"></A>

Link Title: - Italian Mortgage Service
Link Description: Italian real estate mortgage to non italians to buy, restore, build , residential properties in Italy - Italy Mortgages -   Mutui  per Italiani Espatriati 

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Link:
Link Banner Html :
Link Text:
Link Description:
Link Reciprocating :
  Reciprocating Link is the page on your website with my link 

Please insert code




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